This week I thought I'd share the fruits of a productive Sunday last week. (Today was a recovery day. I hosted a bachelorette party at the house over the weekend, the .... edited details of which I'll share this week.)
We have an expanse above our living room sectional that was in desperate need of some art. I had originally planned on hanging a gallery wall, but a little Pinterest digging revealed that a simple ledge provided a lot more flexibility -- with a lot less work.
A bit of shallow shelving inspo.
We shopped minimally before realizing that we could save some cash and customize our dimensions by bypassing the pre-fab stuff in favor of some DIY. We hit the crown moulding aisle and picked up a couple of 1x3" boards, just deep enough to create a ledge wide enough to support deep frames. We cut them to size, I did a quick sand and used the left-over trim paint in the basement to match the shelves to the window moulding.
We used pocket screws to drill the boards straight into the wall studs, making them appear as though they are "floating." You'll need a pocket hole jig to drill the proper holes for this method:
Et voila! A wall installation that (I think) looks great and cost a whopping 25 bucks.