Volunteering in Africa and Changing Lives Forever

I've been thinking and planning and saving for this day, this trip, since really, the third grade.  

When I was in elementary school, I was in a program where I went to a special school one day a week called The Center for Creative Learning.  In third grade, my main class was a unit on Developing Nations (aka Third World Countries).  I picked Somalia, knowing nothing about it except that it's located in Africa.   Over the course of the semester, I researched the country, built miniature models of a typical village, made clothing similar to theirs, and raised money to send to support their education programs.  I remember looking at pictures and readying about how these people barely had enough food to survive on, had little opportunity for education, and had to build the roof over their heads by hand.  I remember raising money by selling my crafts and baking cookies.  I remember thinking, I can make a difference in someone's life. 

Now there are a million and one ways to make a difference, don't get me wrong.  But that class has stuck with me forever.   And I know, deep down in my gut, that going to volunteer in Africa is one thing that I must do. 

Now, with the times of today, going to Somalia like I had always dreamed seems a little out of the question (just look up the "pirates" in the news), but Africa, hell yes! That's happening!  

In just over a month, I'm leaving on the trip of a lifetime.  My family is going to Africa for a safari.  But, I'm not coming back to the States with them - I'm staying on and just starting to fulfill this dream! I'll be headed to Tanzania to volunteer for two weeks, doing community building projects, helping teach English, or whatever other opportunities come along.  After that, the group that I'm traveling with will be hiking amount Kilimanjaro (or Kili, as it's commonly called).  

I couldn't be more excited about this opportunity!  (Jumping for joy inside my head right now).   I'm going with a program called "GIVE" - it's that simple, Growth International Volunteer Excursions.   Just check out some of their past projects, such as building a way to bring clean drinking wateras shown below.

If you're interested in donating towards my trip, you can make a donation through the GIVE Website using PayPal.  Here's the link!  Thanks in advance for all your support!