One of South Africa's Hidden Gems: The Midland Meander

When you're traveling for an extended period, every once in a while you end up with a few extra days in between your planned stops.   They're often hard to fill because you think you've planned to see all the famous highlights.  These used to be a struggle for Mom and I to find a way to fill, but over time, we've found that our random trips can be some of the hidden gems. 

During our trip to South Africa, we ended up with a few days between when we were in Durban (city on the east coast) and Johannesburg (the capital).  Originally, we had just planned to fly between the two, but then we heard about an area called the "Midland Meander."  Once we heard that it was a haven for shopping, we were in!


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Daytripping to the Cape Point, South Africa

If you are looking for a day trip outside of Capetown, heading down to "The Cape" is a great way to spend it.  

It's less than a 2 hour drive from Capetown and there are plenty of worthwhile stops along the way.  It's a great chance to visit a wondrous spot where you feel like you're standing on the edge of the world!

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My Top Three Stops in Capetown, South Africa

When you first mention South Africa to anyone unfamiliar with the area - two cities to visit come to mind - Johannesburg and Capetown.  Johannesburg, the capital city.  And Capetown, the southern city on the sea.

Exploring Capetown was fun, but overwhelming, as our family didn't have a definitive plan for the city.    Within the city, we hit just a few of the highlights.  If I could do it again, I would choose (almost) the same three, because they were all extraordinary. 

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Khaki Fever

It's a disease you can only catch on safari.  You don't know it's coming until it hits you, and when it hits you, you don't even know that it's real. It feels something like what I imagine a heart attack feels like. But instead of speeding up, your heartbeat slows until you feel like it's beating in your head.  

It's the short shorts, the perpetually wind-blown hair -- those boots.  Women fall in love with them, men want to be them. Everything about the boys in khaki is dangerous, and you're a apparently a daredevil.  

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