Today's post is the first installment of a weekly series, GYSTS, or "Get Your Shit Together Sunday." Each week, we'll tackle some process or project that simplifies and organizes our lives and yours. Together, we will get our shit, well, together!
To put us in the right frame of mind, and because my husband sent it to me this week as a not-so-subtle hint, I'd encourage you to glance over these stats on the state of American consumerism and compulsive accumulation. Pretty cringe-y, huh?
Now, we've had the benefit of three moves in four years to demand that we divide our belongs into Absolutely Essential and Everything Else. But with more space than ever and the addition of a basement (those things are magic, says the girl from a floodplain) it's easy to get buried. This week, I tried to stay ahead of the curve by doing a mass purge of health and beauty products. I found prioritizing impossible -- I want to keep things I've never or rarely used in case the occasion for lavender lipstick comes up on Rihanna's yacht, or something -- so I have new method. It is revolutionary: buy containers that are too small.
I owned approximately 3x more make-up than this and still use about a third.
That's right, the same method that NEVER works for wishful weight-loss works wonders when it comes to organization and storage. Just buy container systems that don't hold all your crap. You'll get so excited over your new supplies and their implied promise of organization and control that you'll make it work, Tetras-ing your stuff until you have to part with the non-essentials.
The same method works well with tabletops, using trays to group and control clutter. If you use trays with intent to contain elements like books, remote controls, florals, or whatever you choose to display, it becomes much more difficult to ruin your vignette with days-old mail.
What's your favorite go-to method for organizing your make-up drawer and medicine cabinet? Tell us in the comments!