A year or two ago, my friend, Megan, made me business cards. Well not real business cards, dating cards. They featured a goofy, yet cute picture, contact information, and most importantly a list of my attributes. The funniest, yet most truth – SCARF ENTHUSIAST. Cold weather is back, and so is my enthusiasm!
Read MoreTrick or Tipple
This Halloween was our first in the new house, and our first time entertaining trick-or-treaters. We spent the evening on the porch with a few friends, plenty of adult beverages and our dog, Gibbs, who handled the influx of masked strangers with considerable poise.
With every batch of youngsters peddling jokes (that's a thing here in StL -- kids tell you a joke or ask you a riddle in exchange for candy) there was at least one very patient parent, braced for an impending sugar high and inevitable crash. To show the chaperones a little love, we recommend mixing up one of the following two recipes. Give these guys to the guardians in dixie cups, along with candy for the kiddos, and you're sure to be a fast neighborhood favorite.
Read MoreRanch Wedding Attire
Over Labor Day Weekend, the May clan had the honor of traveling to Ketchum, Idaho to witness the wedding of a childhood friend. Mitch was best man, but although the rest of us took our ranch wedding fashion just as seriously. We had to find outfits to complement the natural landscape, and obviously have our own mini photo shoot while the Bridal Party was doing the same. Below are our favorites and breakdowns of where you can find or replicate our outfits.
Read MoreNew Suede Shoes
We moved to St. Louis in February of this year, and although I caught the tail-end of winter I find myself completely unprepared, wardrobe-wise. I spent the entirety of those early weeks decked in Under Armour, over-sized college-era fleeces and snow boots, which hardly seems office-appropriate.
So, I'm welcoming the season by expanding the seasonal wardrobe.
Read MoreCostume Time: The Making of a Parrot-Head Umbrella
When I started scouring the Internet for my Mary Poppins costume, I figured I could just purchase a parrot-head umbrella, being that Mary Poppins is a rather famous movie. I soon realized that I did not want to spend that kind of money, particularly on an umbrella that would have no practical use aside from costume accessory. It couldn't be that hard to DIY, could it?
Read MoreCostume Time: Becoming Mary Poppins
With the days of college fraternity and sorority parties behind us, we have little excuse to dress up and get creative. But I refuse to leave the days of childhood dress-up behind me. So when I can find an occasion (and occasionally I am proactive), I will go ALL OUT to have the most creative and original costume.
I will admit, I did draw inspiration for this particular idea after seeing Lauren Conrad dressed up as Mary Poppins a few Halloweens ago. But I think I topped her on originality, if nothing else.
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