Coddiwomple: To travel purposefully towards a vague destination.
First visited in 2016, this continent stole my heart. The breadth of people, wildlife, landscape, and culture shifts the way that I look at the world.
- South Africa
- Tanzania
- Zambia
- Zimbabwe
Not just my home continent, it is a constant source of travel opportunity and history. It's hard to decide which places we should visit with the time given to us.
- Canada
- Dominican Republic
- Mexico
- United States
Climbing to the top of Machu Picchu is an item on most everyone's bucket list, with deserving rights. The sheer beauty, plus the massive construction project that it once was seems almost insurmountable.
- Peru
My first out of country experience, in 2002, which ignited the spark for my love of travel. Without that first trip to Paris, my eyes (and heart) would not have been so open to the world that awaited my journeys.
- Austria
- France
- Germany
- Hungary
- Italy
- Netherlands
- Poland
- Portugal
- Spain
- Switzerland
- United Kingdom
As the largest continent in population, it is hard to summarize the experience of visiting Asia. Each country, each city has it's own unique charms that seem to set it a world away from the last city that you were in.
- Cambodia
- China
- Hong Kong
- Indonesia
- Thailand
- Vietnam
It still feels like a land undiscovered. From the famous Sydney Bridge Climb to surfing on the Gold Coast, Australia is rich with views and of course, delicious seafood.
- Australia
- New Zealand