Volunesia: THat Moment when you forget you're volunteering to help change lives, because it's changing yours...

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My Volunteering Philosophy

Those that I "believe" that I am there to help ultimately end up impacting my life more than I impact theirs.   It can only be summed up with a quote from Audrey Hepburn, "As you get older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others."


Skuli Ya Kairo Give on Zanzibar Island

In the Summer of 2016, I traveled to Zanzibar Island in Tanzania where I had the most life-changing few weeks of my entire life.  In a remote village, the volunteer organization that I was working with was building a school, which would provide opportunity for education for hundreds of children which would have not otherwise received formal education.    Read more about my experience, here. 


My little sister, Nevaeh, is one person who will forever have an impact on my life.  Her sweet disposition and caring nature despite her tough circumstances always amazed me.  She reinforced the most valuable lesson - in a world where you can be anything, be kind. 



Being a House Captain for this grandmother's home in St. Louis was my first leadership volunteer opportunity.  I was hooked - it combined my love of construction with assisting others - and was the beginning of a lifelong passion.